
Monday Nov 05, 2012
100 of Some(Movie)Thing 016, A Night at the Opera
Monday Nov 05, 2012
Monday Nov 05, 2012
Folks, the comedy Gods have answered our prayers and have sent us respite from the harrowing brain-plague that was Bringing up Baby...
Spilling forth into our cups is the veritable ambrosia of the 1935 Marx Brothers' "A Night at the Opera."
Their first MGM picture, their first picture with a plot that included actual points, their first picture without Zeppo--who left the team to become an agent.
Co-starring opera singer Kitty Carlisle and Allan Jones in a bona-fide sub-plot fit for the most dramatic of films!
Ladies and gentlemen I give you--a please don't forget to give them back when you're finished with them--the Marx Brothers...

Thursday Nov 01, 2012
100 of Some(Sci-fi)Thing Episode 002, Farscape
Thursday Nov 01, 2012
Thursday Nov 01, 2012
Space ships, wormholes, aliens, Muppets?!? What could go wrong? Turns out, plenty. @galaxharr and I watched Farscape Season 1 episode 16 and though we survived, we are a little worse for wear. Find out where we think this one is headed! Listen up you frelling frells!

Monday Oct 29, 2012
100 of Some(Movie)Thing 015, Platoon
Monday Oct 29, 2012
Monday Oct 29, 2012

Wednesday Sep 26, 2012
100 of Some(Sci-Fi)Thing 001, Red Dwarf
Wednesday Sep 26, 2012
Wednesday Sep 26, 2012
Here it is folks, the premier episode of my podcast with my daughter, @galaxharr. We're going to watch one episode each of 100 Sci-Fi TV shows. And then see if we can determine what the show is about based on that single viewing. First up, Red Dwarf, the British Sci-Fi comedy series from the late-80s, early 90s. Enjoy!

Sunday Sep 23, 2012
100 of Some(Movie)Thing 011, Swing Time
Sunday Sep 23, 2012
Sunday Sep 23, 2012
Swing Time!
This 1936 gem, originally titled "Never Gonna Dance," was the *sixth* collaboration between Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers and is probably their best. Classic songs, exceptional dancing and just the bare minimum of plot to hold it all together.
See if you can spot the plot of pretty much every dance-themed movie made since!
Also, the title had virtually nothing to do with the content of the film, it was re-titled to capitalize on the Swing craze that was sweeping the nation at the time.

Sunday Sep 16, 2012
100 of Some(Movie)Thing 010, Sophie's Choice
Sunday Sep 16, 2012
Sunday Sep 16, 2012

Tuesday Sep 11, 2012
100 of Some(Movie)Thing 009, Goodfellas
Tuesday Sep 11, 2012
Tuesday Sep 11, 2012
Upping our Scorsese count to 1, it's the first of nearly a half dozen pictures of his that maybe fell off the back of a truck or somethin' and on to this list. Whaddaya say if anybody aks where you got it? Nuttin'. You shut your mouth and do your time like a man.
Fortunately, your sentence in this case is only about an hour. So listen up.

Monday Sep 03, 2012
100 of Some(Movie)Thing 008, The French Connection
Monday Sep 03, 2012
Monday Sep 03, 2012

Monday Aug 27, 2012
100 of Some(Movie)Thing 007, Pulp Fiction
Monday Aug 27, 2012
Monday Aug 27, 2012

Sunday Aug 19, 2012
100 of Some(Movie)Thing 006, The Last Picture Show
Sunday Aug 19, 2012
Sunday Aug 19, 2012